Dropbox , Google Drive , Skydrive - Comparison

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You must have heard about these three Popular Services  Dropbox , Google Drive and SkyDrive. Well if not , these are Online storage services that enables you to store and  access your files , documents  on your home Computer from any other Location on a different device. Beside storage facility , these services also allows you File synchronization by which any changes you make in files , instantly appears on the files stored in your computer. By signing up , you get several Gigabytes of free storage. Well we will see each of the three services one by one starting with dropbox , Google drive and then Microsoft Skydrive , their free storage capacities , OS supported , file size limit , Cost of extra storage Plans.

Dropbox vs Google Drive vs SkyDrive

1. Dropbox : Started in 2008 by MIT graduates Drew Houston and  Arash Ferdowsi . 

Supported Platforms : Windows , Linux , Mac , iOS , Android and Blackberry .
Free storage Capacity : 2 GB + (500 MB per referral )
File size : There is no restriction on the size of file size to be Uploaded  via desktop while limit of 300 MB for the files uploaded via web browser.
Extra Storage Plans : Dropbox pro offers 50 GB storage for $ 99 a year.
Built in File viewer : Dropbox has built in File viewers for opening office documents
, Pdf's , Video and images formats.
Maintains a detailed log of every Change made to the Files. also Dropbox saves File History for 30 days , so that a file can be recovered if it was accidentally deleted.
Online Document editing : No 
Mobile Version : Yes
Visit Dropbox

2. Google Drive :
It is another Useful Online storage and Synchronization Service by Google started 5 months ago in April , 2012 .  

Free Storage : 5 GB
Operating System /Platforms : Windows , Mac , Android and iOS
Additional Storage :
25 GB for $ 30/year
100 GB for $ 60/year
16TB for $ 9600/ year
Mobile access : Yes 
Online editing of Files is Possible with Google Docs.
Supports files of all common formats for Viewing them. Also supports Photoshop mockups and Autocad drawing formats.
File after deletion moves to Trash Folder , so can be recovered if required.

Visit : Google Drive

3. Skydrive :

Store any file on it and it will be automatically available on your Phone and PC. 


Free Storage : Microsoft's Skydrive leads the above two in case of Free storage capacity as it allows free storage of up to 7 GB on signing up.
Operating System : Windows , Mac , iOS , Windows phone.
Additional Storage :
$ 10  per year for 20 GB
$ 25 per year for 50 GB
$ 50 per year for 100 GB
Online Document editing : Yes
Other Feature : Clean Interface
Mobile version : Yes
Visit SkyDrive

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